Secure Connection
Unsecured Connection

Create Account

Select the username and password you wish to use to access your Ticket Attendant account and software.

This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
Please provide a valid email adrress
This field is required
Please provide a valid phone number
This field is required
Invalid Password
This field is required
Passwords do not match

Password must contain:

  • Upper and lowercase letters
  • At least one number
  • At least 8 characters long

Verify Identity

Provide us with additional information to verify your identity. We use this information for our pre-screening process to ensure you are who you say you are. This information is kept securely and is not used outside of Ticket Attendant's onboarding process.

(Max file size: 2MB)
This field is required
The attached file is too large
A selection is required

Business Info

Tell us more about your business and experience. We use this information to understand how your business fits with us at Ticket Attendant and to tailor our onboarding process to your needs further.

This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
The attached file is too large

Form Submitted Successfully

Someone will be in touch with you shortly to help you finish your account creation. If you experience any issues, contact us at (773)888-3048 or email us at