Parse Job

From the Ticket Sucker you can upload files to parse data from tickets.

  1. Select the File Format for the files you’re uploading (i.e., CSV, PDF, PKPASS).

  2. Select the File Type or skip.

    1. If you are sure of the correct File Type for the files you’re uploading, then select a File Type for fastest processing (e.g., Evenue).

    2. If you are unsure of the correct File Type for the files you’re uploading, you can leave this blank and the Ticket Sucker will automatically determine the best File Type based on the uploaded files. 

  3. Upload your files.

  4. Press Submit.

  5. Once submitted, you will receive a success pop-up and will be able to view the job in the grid!

  6. You can view and edit the data parsed for your tickets using the Edit Tickets action.


Keep in mind that attaching is not done automatically. You will need to manually trigger the attach job once the parsing is done. 


Attach Job

Once you have validated that all of the data parsed by the Ticket Sucker is correct, you’re ready to attempt attaching!

  1. Open the Edit Tickets action for the job you want to attach.

  2. Once you are happy with the data, press Update and Attach.

  3. Once submitted, you will receive a success pop-up. The attaching is completed once you see values in the Last Attached column in the Edit Tickets pop-up and values in the Tickets Attached column in the main page.